Jamoma DSP developer workshop
In July five of the Jamoma developers met up for a one-week workshop at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. The workshop targeted further development and use of the C++ libraries.
In July five of the Jamoma developers met up for a one-week workshop at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. The workshop targeted further development and use of the C++ libraries.
An evening of expressive Live-electronics and visuals by Tijs Ham, Bjornar Habbestad & Birk Nygård. The turbulances within the tubes of the flute are matched by the complex behaviors of feedback mixers. And if this isn’t enough… we also have lasers!
Bli med på VDMX Workshop – sanntidsprossesering av video! 6. til 8. mai holder billedkunstner Piotr Pajchel en VDMX workshop på BEK.
– How to make the world a better place and not to be caught. App creation workshop with Petr Svarovsky, artist and indie game developer. No prior knowledge is needed. Completely unexperienced people can make their own App running on their phone within 3 hours! IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE attending the whole week-let us know, part time participation is also possible!
Sound installation by Katy Penny, where BEK develops the interactive side of the installation. A door is placed in the middle of the room, it can be opened and closed, but you can also walk around it. What you choose affects the soundscape of the installation.
At Galleri VOX the 22. – 30. March 2014
Jamoma developers from France, US, England and Norway team up for a workshop at BEK in March. The workshop will focus on finalising specifications and implementation of model-view-controller separation for the upcoming 0.6 release, and speculate on future directions for development.
Se og Les Barne- og ungdomslitteraturkonferanse finner sted i Bergen 3-5 februar 2014, og samler forfattere, formidlere, illustratører, foredragsholdere, kulturarbeidere og kritikere fra hele landet. I løpet av konferansen vil deltagerne benytte installasjonen Bergen Leser ved Bergen offentlige bibliotek til å lese inn diktsamlingen “Skogen i hjartet” av Hanne Bramness.
BEK has commissioned a new electro-acoustic composition from Anders Vinjar, one of the foremost experts in Norway on OpenMusic and computer-aided composition. The commisioned work will make use of ambisonics coding, shaping and decoding, algorithmic composition, artistic programming and work with 3D sound and spatialization.
BEK also supports Anders in his effort to port Open Music to Linux, and over the next year we are planning several exciting workshops relating to OpenMusic.
For a two year period 2012-2014 BEK participation in the development of Jamoma is supported by Hordaland County Council. Development will be focusing on control of real-time processing environments in live productions, development of flexible interfaces, and work on surround sound. The project encompass development, documentation, developer and training workshops, and the use of Jamoma in various art projects.
”MUSEUM II”, commisioned by Ny Musikk Kristiansand was performed at the Edge Of Wrong Festival in Kristiansand 22. September, and will be performed at the Sound Silo (Avgarde) 13. October in Bergen. BEK supports the project with equipment for documentation.