Piksel07 – Hello hackability!
======================= | Piksel07 :: Festival | | November 15-18 2007 | | | | Piksel07 :: Exhibition | | Nov 16 - Dec 16 2007 | =======================
======================= | Piksel07 :: Festival | | November 15-18 2007 | | | | Piksel07 :: Exhibition | | Nov 16 - Dec 16 2007 | =======================
Jamoma is a framework for structured programming in the multimedia environment Max/MSP/Jitter. Version 0.5 was released recently. This session will give an introduction to the use of Jamoma, how to create your own modules, and will look into how Jamoma might benefit structuring and control of patches.
loadbang is a collaboration between BEK and KHIB.
For this weeks session on advanced topics in real-time processing of media, we will be looking Fast Fourier Transforms and spectral analysis and processing. Fourier Transforms can be used for analysis and processing of audio and image in the frequency domain.
loadbang is a collaboration between BEK and KHIB.
We’ll continue where we left of last time, looking at maths, with a particular emphasis on functions and how they might be used for controlling algorithmic processes and for mapping of data.
loadbang is a collaboration between BEK and KHIB.
For this weeks session on advanced topics in real-time processing of media, we will be looking at maths, with a particular emphasis on functions and how they might be used for controlling algorithmic processes and for mapping of data.
loadbang is a collaboration between BEK and KHIB.
BEK introduce a new regular activity, loadbang, in collaboration with Bergen National Academy of the Arts.
At regular intervals wee will offer a meeting place for artists and students working on real-time processing of media using software such as Max, SuperCollider and Pd, for exchange and discussions on a number of advanced topics.
The first meeting will be focusing on the use of multi-touch interfaces.
The Concertinome is a custom made instrument combining the concertina accordion with the monome style keyboard and electronic air pressure sensors. It was made by Espen Sommer Eide at BEK spring 2009 and demonstrated in this concert at Visningsrommet USF, Bergen, Norway.
Jamoma is a platform for interactive art-based research and performance. It consists of several parallell development efforts.
Bjørnar Habbestad and Jeff Carey collaborates on development of software for RESPIRATOR – an art-based research project initiated by Bjørnar Habbestad.
Jeff Carey will also be giving a concert at Lydgalleriet Friday June 19 at 2100.
The Folkophone – The first song: The organic organ is the OiOi festival instrument. Not everyone can play the Folkophone, but the Folkophone can play on anyone. This year’s theme is the very first sounds we make in life.