Dakn داكنْ – Heart Gate
Borealis at Bergen Kjøtt Lørdag 15.03.2025 - 15.03.2025
Borealis at Bergen Kjøtt Lørdag 15.03.2025 - 15.03.2025
Bring the whole family for an afternoon of sonic experimentation for all ages at BEK – Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts.
Vis artikkelsideBorealis presents the Norwegian premiere of a new work by multifaceted Palestinian artist Dakn داكنْ. The piece was commissioned by BEK in collaboration with Another Sky Festival, and premiered at Cafe Oto in London in the autumn of 2024.
Vis artikkelsideTesting the Membranous Boundaries is a cross-Atlantic audio visual collaboration that explores the embodiment and translation of peatland knowledge through blending physical engagement with digital interpretations.
Vis artikkelsideJoin us for a film screening and conversation with the artists. Everything Worthwhile is Done with Other People takes up the conversations, experiences and freedom dreams of a group of women affected by the carceral state, as encountered through the UK government’s hostile environment policy and prison system.
Vis artikkelsideAnanda Serne will present her short video Insect Sing-Along (2022), along with a clip from her ongoing whistling project. Both works explore the mimicking of insect and bird sounds through the human voice.
Vis artikkelsideCRYOSONIC is a context heavy hybrid presentation / performance exploring the sonic characteristics of polar fauna, aural data narratives and field measurements.
Vis artikkelside