To the thinker who is not the gardener, only the soil of the plants that grow in him
In this presentation, Kjersti Sundland will be sharing marginal and occluded concepts on how human made electromagnetic radiation and the earth’s electromagnetic radiation seem to interweave and coagulate, and to resurface as fissures, or specters in our perception.
Drawing among others on the work by the philosopher and founder of the Society of Psychical Research Frederick Myers, one of the forgotten but central thinkers in development of the theory of the subliminal self. Myers used the metaphor of electromagnetic spectrum to shed light on the hidden capacities of the mind, and to describe how we acknowledge only fraction of the energies that pass through us.
About Kjersti Sundland
Kjersti Sundland er stipendiat ved Kunstakademinet – institutt for samtidskunst, KMD, hvor hun tidligere også var ansatt som høyskolelektor i nye medier. Sundland har en BA i kunst fra Coventry University, MA i kunst fra Royal College of Art i London og et femte år fra Kunstakademiet i Oslo. Arbeidene hennes har vært utstilt ved Museum of Modern Art, Bologna, TICA Centre for Contemporary Art, Tiran, Punkt Ø, Oslo kunstforening, Unge Kunstneres Samfund, Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst, Galleri Brandstrup, Hå gamle Prestegård, Artopia Gallery, Milano og Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium. Videoene hennes og live video performancer har vært vist ved ulike filmvisninger og mediafestivaler som PureScreen, Castlefield, Cork Film centre, B4 Play Video, Berlin, Netmage, Bologna, AudioVisiva, Milan, Women in revolt, Milan og VideoLisboa.