
Tenthaus: Playful Meal

Seminarium Fredericianum, Asylplass 2 20.11.2021 18.00


Discursive dinner
20 NOVEMBER 18:00–21:00 (doors open at 18:00, dinner will be served from 18.30 onwards)
Seminarium Fredericianum, Asylplassen 2
Limited capacity, registration at

As part of the symposium, the art collective Tenthaus will serve a Playful Meal – a dinner of soup, salad, bread and collective games.

Nourishment and digestion are natural processes which bodies carry out to exist and thrive. Cultural organisations are extended bodies composed by several individuals contributing to the same purpose. The dinner will involve games that challenge participants to form, manage and survive as a collective identity deconstructing hierarchy, power relations and roles as we conventionally know them. Sharing time and food constitute the common ground and language to talk about and disrupt injustices, art structures and their sociopolitical interdependencies.


Tenthaus is an art collective and artist-run space in Oslo initiated in 2009. Its profile is characterised by an open, process-oriented form of participation from an internationally orientated group of artists. The context of contemporary art practice is re-examined through exhibitions as well as a broader field of discursive activity such as radio, dinners, workshops for youth, residency, events and collaborations. Tenthaus has developed from an artist in school project to encompass a project room and exhibition space using socially engaged art as a platform for expanding and exploring our practice. Tenthaus aims to continue its work with children and youth as well as to find other relevant contexts to expand and explore its socially engaged practice.

Photo: Photomontage by Tenthaus.

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