“Public Waiters” by Jonas Ersland
Public Waiters (2017)
Jonas Ersland
HD Video, 03:44 min.
As food delivery services like Deliveroo and Foodora grow, spontaneous meeting points are being formed in cities: places where the deliverers come together to wait for new orders. These urban waiting spots could be considered a physical manifestation of the gig economy.
Using a colour tracking camera that detects the worker’s uniforms, Public Waiters is a video about food deliverers waiting in public space, observed through the lens of the algorithm. The video aims to expose the growing significance of these places, while also questioning new forms of automated labour.
Jonas Ersland (b. 1991, Oslo) examines societal phenomena and human activity through documentary photographic interventions and interactive experiences. Through a visual language of empathy and familiarity, he explores the human side of a range of subjects: technology, identity and our impact on a changing society. He lives and works in Berlin.
Latent City
Latent City presents artistic productions dealing with the city’s hidden stories. Seen through the lens of artistic observation, hidden stories, latent infrastructures and questions of digital presence and of power and democracy in our cities, meet in an exhibition that takes place over three weeks. The Latent City is the city that awaits, the one that is about to unfold, our common future city.
Several of the art projects are financed or commissioned by BEK, while others are existing works presented in new formats. A video program will be on show throughout the project period and there will be an extensive program of talks and performances. Please read more about the project and the programme here.