Paper and lectures at SMC 2016
Sound and Music Computing Conference 2016, Hamburg
26.08.2016 10.00–03.09.2016 16.00
Authoring spatial music with SpatDIF Version 0.4
by Jan C. Schacher, Nils Peters, Trond Lossius and Chikashi Miyama.
SpatDIF, the Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format is a light-weight, human-readable syntax for storing and transmitting spatial sound scenes, serving as an independent, cross-platform and host-independent solution for spatial sound composition. The recent update to version 0.4 of the specification introduces the ability to define and store continuous trajectories on the authoring layer in a human-readable way, as well as describing groups and source spreading. As a result, SpatDIF provides a new way to exchange higher level authoring data across authoring tools that help to preserve the artistic intent in spatial music.