
NIME 2011

NIME 2011, Oslo 29.05.2011 09.0001.06.2011 22.30


The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is an annual interdisciplinary conference gathering 200-500 participants from all over the world to share their knowledge and late-breaking work on new musical interface design. The NIME conference started out as a workshop at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in 2001, and has grown into one of the largest and most vital international conferences within the field of music technology.

The NIME conference draws a varied group of participants, including researchers (musicology, computer science, interaction design, etc.), artists (musicians, composers, dancers, etc.) and developers (self-employed and industrial). The common denominator is the mutual interest in groundbreaking technology and music, and contributions to the conference cover everything from basic research on human cognition through experimental technological devices to multimedia performances.

As part of the conference BEK is organizing an exhibition on Sonic Interaction Design, hosted by Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine. More information on this exhibition is forthcoming.