Learning to Fly (a Drone)
This 2-day course teaches you how to fly a drone, issues of security and regulations, and what is needed of registering etc before you can fly a drone on your own.
April 20–21, 2022
BEK has a drone (DJI phantom 4 pro v2) that you will be able to master at the end of the course. Drone photography and filming can be used in numerous ways in video, photography, documentation of outdoor installations, performances for camera or other kinds of artistic projects.
The workshop takes place in Bergen and is for professional artists. No prior skills are needed to join. The workshop is free, but registration is required, and the number of places is limited.
Please send a short text (up to 200 words) to tell us why you want to join to ase@bek.no by April 9, 2022.
The instructor is Thomas Bugaj (US), a media artist, educator, and drone enthusiast. Bugaj works primarily with time-based media. He has taught filmmaking and digital design courses for a number of institutions in Pennsylvania, including at Pittsburgh Filmmakers and the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
This workshop is produced by BEK as part of a cooperation with Feminist Streaming Service and prøverommet.
Photo: BEK (1,2), Thomas Bugaj (3,4).