
JUDASEVANGELIET Sørgespill #3 by Tore Vagn Lid

USF Verftet 17.10.2013 21.0018.10.2013 22.30


A few years ago a rumor was spreading around the world that men has found a fragment of a new gospel. A shepherd on the banks of the River Nile discovered a faded roll of papyrus. On the last line of the last and thirteenth page one could read: Ευαγγελιον του Ιουδα – “ Gospel of Judas “. This is the gospel of Judas Iskariot – the evangelist – not the sinner. Here it is he, who is called to be human scum and “perpetrator “, who seizes the word and testify to that which no one could or would know: that Judas in fact is the key player – the only one – who undertakes the mission to betray his master for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

Judasevangeliet is the third and final part in Tore Vagn Lids ‘sørgespill-triologi’. This triology has no actors nor musicians nor singers, but only players. Inspired by ancient board games’ rules and narratives, trying to make sure that the players reconcile with the social overview of existential insight, seeking for a system of individuals and for the individuals inside this system, while also looking for relationships and rules that lead seemingly isolated and individual destinies together in one game.

Vagn Lid and Transiteatret Bergen break new ground and constitutes an important part of Norwegian theater.


This production has been supported by Art Council Norway and Bergen kommune. BEK has supported the project with equipment.