Jamoma 0.5.7 released
Please visit the Jamoma download page to grab a copy of the installer.
Jamoma has been in continuous development since 2005 by an international team of artists, musicians, researchers and developers, and is used in a wide rang of installations, music performances, theater productions, for research, and more.
A lot of work has been done over the last year in order to implement new features and fix various issues. We believe this to be a mature release, and it has been used extensively in artistic projects and research. Among many important improvements in this version we would like to highlight:
- The issue of interdependencies of frameworks between Jamoma and TapTools has been resolved once and for all. If you also use TapTools, be sure to install the latest beta. From there on Jamoma and TapTools should be able to happily co-exist, without future updates to one of them also requiring the other to be updated.
- Several issues have been addressed relating to AudioGraph, the multi-channel audio solution used for all of the spatialisation modules, improving stability and performance.
- Full support for dataspaces has been implemented. This means that e.g. gain levels in modules can now be specified as MIDI, linear or decibel values.
- The Jamoma web site has been overhauled. We now have a growing number of tutorials on how to use Jamoma. If you have questions or suggestions, we encourage you to make use of the new possibilities for commenting on tutorials and blog posts.
- We’ve done extended work on implementing systematic unit and integration testing. We believe this to have a major impact on the stability and reliability of Jamoma.
If you experience any problems with this installer, please report, either in the comment field at the Jamoma blog, or via the forums and mailing lists.
Unfortunately we still have no recent Windows installer. We hope to be able to remedy this over the comming year, and we are grateful for recent donations towards Jamoma. Part of the donations have been used towards a Windows 8 installer. Still, if you have experience with compiling for Windows and would like to contribute towards the development of Jamoma, we would very much appreciate your assistance.
Currently we are fortunate to see funding for Jamoma development that help propagate further development. BEK receives funding from the County Council of Hordaland for development of Jamoma 2012-2014, and GMEA is heading the 3-year industrial research project OSSIA (Open Scenario System for Interactive Application). And finally Nathan Wolek from Stetson University visited BEK as a Fulbright Scholar in the fall 2012, making good progress porting Granular Toolkit to Jamoma. So stay tuned, we’re likely to see lots of exciting Jamoma development over the next few years!
About the images:
- Jamoma 0.5.7 installer.
- Jamoma patch solution controlling 16-channel surround sound in the theater production “Urmakarens Hjarte” in the spring 2012.
- From “Urmakarens hjarte” by Sandsund/Lie produksjoner in collaboration with Sogn og Fjordane Teater, Rogaland Teater and Førdefestivalen. The production was nominated for Hedda 2012 as best production for youngsters. Photo: Viljar Losnegård