Glimpses from The Only Lasting Truth is Change: Anarchy, Traces, Mountains
Before taking some days off to rest and recharge, the BEK symposium team – Maria Rusinovskaya, Åse Løvgren, Espen Sommer Eide, Morten Norbye Halvorsen, Emilie J. Wright, Åsne Hagen, and Kaeto Sweeney – would like to thank you all warmly:
The artists and thinkers for taking part in the programme and engaging with the symposium themes: Catherine Malabou, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Susan Schuppli, Ingrid Burrington & Ann Chen, Rehana Zaman, Seán Elder, Nat Raha, Daniella Valz Gen, I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free, Hanan Benammar, Asria Mohamed, Dag Herbjørnsrud, Asbjørn Grønstad, Erik Hagen, Martin Zeilinger, Matti Aikio, Toril Johannessen, Rian Treanor, Eduardo Williams, Helle Siljeholm & Øyvind Paasche, Phelimuncasi, Ng Tsz-Kwan, Ioana Vreme Moser, and Andrea Spreafico. View the full programme.
Our collaboration partners: Asle Bakke Brodin, Johanne Øra Danielsen, and the rest of the amazing crew at Ekko and Østre; Yilei Wang and Ben Yu of Northing, Hordaland kunstsenter, Nuts And Bolts, Entrée, Fraser Keddie and Bertha Chan at Vers Libre, Empo, Johannessenteret, Christiegården dagsenter and everyone who participated in workshops.
Amber Ablett, curator of “The Universal Periodic Review” by Hanan Benammar; Vilde Salhus Røed, producer for “Off-duty Gods” by Ng Tsz-Kwan; Guro Vrålstad, producer for “How the earth must see itself” by Helle Siljeholm and Øyvind Paasche.
Vera Gomes for designing all the visual materials. Pip Rowson and Laurie Lax for proofreading. Aksell and A7 print for printing our posters and booklets locally and sustainably. Pamflett and Ola Lysgaard for risograph printing Ingrid Burrington and Ann Chen’s publication for “Gourd Guardian Mountain Reading Room”. Nastya Feschuk and Serhiy Chervonopilsky for distribution. Sindre Sørensen for web services. Leo Preston for streaming. Snorre Mandal for sound tech on “The Universal Periodic Review”. Photographers Thor Brødreskift and Synne Sofi Bønes for documenting the symposium, and Yilei Wang for additional photography. Iivi Meltaus for cooking for artists and crew. Davone Sirmans for driving. Peik Dyvi-Ulveseth for keeping BEK clean throughout symposium week. Miriam Levi, Chloé Malloggi and Liao Su for looking after the Reading Room and the exhibitions. Our hotel partner, Augustin Hotel, for artist accommodation.
Kunstkritikk, CAS, Radio MACBA, The Wire, Bergensavisen (BA) and Studentradioen i Bergen for taking an interest in the symposium programme and artists.
The audience at all the events – we already look forward to seeing you again!
The funding bodies Norsk kulturråd, Fritt Ord, Bergen kommune and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing for their support making the symposium possible.
Talks that have been streamed will be made available in our Vimeo channel. If you’d like a heads-up when they’re available, please sign up for our newsletter:
“Off-duty Gods” by Ng Tsz-Kwan can be viewed in Northing until 20 November, while “The Universal Periodic Review” by Hanan Benammar stays open at HKS until 18 December. The QGIS workshop 24–25 November, organised as an extension to Toril Johannessen’s symposium talk “Where is the High North?” is still open for registration: Workshop in QGIS
Photos: Thor Brødreskift, except 6 + 14–16 by Synne Sofi Bønes.