Video screening program at 3,14
Stiftelsen 3,14
12.02.2015 19.00–15.02.2015 16.00
Three of the works are world premieres; Égalité Bergen by Elena Kovylina, based on a performance at Festplassen in Bergen December 6 last year, Ikke alle dørene er lukket by Eva Ljosvoll, and there was the dream and there was a memory connected with it by Sara Rajaei.
In addition three works by Cinthia Marcelle are presented; 475 Volver, ao plano and O século, and one additional work by Sara Rajaei; 1978 the 231st day.
Trond Lossius has co-curated the two works by Sara Rajaei for this exhibition. Additionally BEK supports the exhibition with equipment.