Future DiverCities

Thure Erik Lund

"Latent City - Invisible Fields #1" at Bergen Kjøtt 21.11.2020 14.0021.11.2020 20.00


In Thure Erik Lund’s writings, technology seems to be a springboard for reflection on nature and culture, and man´s transformations during a digital era. In his last essay collection, Romutvidelser (2019) he raises the question if nature and technology can merge. He has been called a kind of “techno-mystic”, who is continuously approaching the indiscernible future. Lund is currently working on a text around language technology, machine learning and originality. Through a variety of scenarios he looks at how language technology is able to influence and form existence, and thereby also litterature. 

In conjunction with the 20th anniversary of BEK this year, we address the development of technology in the last 20 years, which has been formidable.Thure Erik Lund will read from one of his texts and participate in a panel talk at Latent City – Invisible Fields #1 at Bergen Kjøtt on 21 November.

Photo credit: Mia Bull Gunderssen / Aschehoug

Thure Erik Lund (b. 1959, Vikersund) is one of Norway’s most original writers. His debut came in 1992 with Tanger, for which he received Tarjei Vesaas prize for debut prize. Further on he wrote Leiegården (1994) and the four novels Grøftetildragelsesmysteriet (1999), Compromateria (2002), Elvestengfolket (2003) and Uranophilia (2005) that was collected as the paperback edition Myrbråtenfortellingene (2006). In 2006 came the novel Inn, that together with Straahlbox (2010) was extended and rewritten into I singularitetens skygge (2013). In 2011 he  published the novel En trist og dum historie and in 2017 the highly acclaimed novel Identitet. Lund has written the essay collections Om naturen (2000), Forgreininger (2003), Om de nye norske byene (2006) and Romutvidelser (2019). In 2005 came the pamphlet Språk og natur. Lund has received a number of awards, amongst others the Sult-prize (1999) and Aschehoug prize.

Latent City

Latent City presents artistic productions dealing with the city’s hidden stories. Seen through the lens of artistic observation, hidden stories, latent infrastructures and questions of digital presence and of power and democracy in our cities, meet in an exhibition that takes place over three weeks. The Latent City is the city that awaits, the one that is about to unfold, our common future city. 

Several of the art projects are financed or commissioned by BEK, while others are existing works presented in new formats. A video program will be on show throughout the project period and there will be an extensive program of talks and performances. Please read more about the project and the programme here.