Future DiverCities Latent City: Project presentations online "Latent City": Online project presentations 12.11.2020 –29.11.2020 #transmitBEK 20 YearsexhibitionFuture DiverCitiesLatent Citypresentationtextvideo Published 17. November 2020 We have the pleasure of presenting projects in the context of Latent City online at bek.no during the exhibition 12 – 29 November. Please find them all here. The Carrier (2020) by Hanan BenammarVideo installation Edgelands (2019) by Trond LossiusElectroacoustic composition (3rd order Ambisonic) for multichannel loudspeaker array (binaural headphone version) It fits beautifully in the palm of your hand (2020) by Maren Dagny JuellVideo installation www.ShowMeLove av Marit EikemoText (Norwegian) Temporary Museum: Microscopic Power of Food Practices by GaraGara Artist InitiativeInstallation Video programme with contributions by Aleksander Johan Andreassen, Aske Thiberg, Jonas Ersland, Pia Rönicke, Stephen Connolly and Tivon Rice Presentation of the video programme by Anders Rubing Virtual Ritual by Jan MocekVideo recording of performance VUMA Soner App with geo-triggered audio walks Share Tweet