Glimpses from The Only Lasting Truth is Change: Hallucinating, Computing, Collapsing
The BEK symposium team – Maria Rusinovskaya, Åse Løvgren, Morten Halvorsen, Kaeto Sweeney and Johanne Øra Danielsen – would like to thank you all warmly:
The artists, scholars and thinkers for taking part in the programme and engaging with the symposium themes: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, N. Katherine Hayles, Jennifer Gabrys, Haig Aivazian, Jenna Sutela, Damien Roach, patten, Ibiye Camp, Michele Elam, Eva Maria Fjellheim, Tung-Hui Hu, Carol Stampone, Bahar Noorizadeh, Klara Kofen, Cameron Graham, Magnhild Øen Nordahl, Gabriele de Seta, Andreas Zissler, Funda Zeynep Ayguler, Hans Oscar Carlsson, Nora Al-Badri, Lesia Vasylchenko, Ørjan Amundsen, Samuel Brzeski and Critical Craft Collective featuring Adeline Kueh, Hazel Lim, Jonathan Liu, Joanne Lim and Victoria Hertel.
Our collaboration partners: Asle Bakke Brodin, Marthe Serck-Hansen, Marius Bakke, Henrik Skauge and the rest of the crew at Ekko and Østre; Alex Millar and Ingrid Haug Erstad at Bergen Assembly, Ebba Moi from Tenthaus, Patrícia Šichmanová and Cameron MacLeod at Aldea, Bergen Works, the County Governor of Vestland, and everyone who participated in workshops.
Thea Haug, producer for «SOUP studio» by Critical Craft Collective, and Jason Dunne and Sarah Jost, technicians for the installations «Babylonian Vision» by Nora Al-Badri, «Poem 2» by Damien Roach and «Pond-Dial» by Jenna Sutela.
Vera Gomes for designing all the visual materials. Robert Carter og Espen Sommer Eide for proofreading and other text revisions. Aksell and A7 print for printing our posters and booklets locally and sustainably. Simon Bjørndal for distribution. Antoine Hureau for streaming. Photographers Petronelle Halvorsen for documenting the symposium. Hallaisen for cooking for artists and crew. Miriam Levi, Elsa Mermillod-Blondin and Abigael Asgedom for looking after audience and the exhibitions, and taking part in production. Our hotel partner, Augustin Hotel, for artist accommodation.
Musikkmagasinet, Radio MACBA and Tag Team Radio for taking an interest in BEK, the symposium programme and artists.
The audience at all the events – we already look forward to seeing you again!
The funding bodies Norsk kulturråd, Fritt Ord, Bergen kommune, KORO, Bergesensstiftelsen og Re-Imagine Europe for their support in making the symposium possible.
“Dreaming with Nonhumans and AI Workshop” by artist and scholar Suzanne Kite takes place 2 and 3 December. The workshop is fully booked, read more about it here.
A selection of the streamed talks will be made available in our Vimeo channel. If you’d like a heads-up when they’re available, please sign up for our newsletter:
Photos: Petronelle Halvorsen and BEK