Exiles – Entry denied
Exiles artist group:
Yamile Calderon, Ulla Schildt, Shwan Dler Qaradaki, Samuel Olou, Sam Iravanian, Malin Lennström-Örtwall, Mona Bentzen, Mary Odegaard, Lars Sandås, Sabina Jacobsson, Katharina Barbosa and Beate Pettersen. Everyone has in different ways been working with this theme earlier (including through the Atelier Populaire Oslo’s activities in 2011 and 2012).
Press release
Info about the exhibition
Info about the screening program
Entry Denied (the exhibition):
Place: Visningsrommet USF, 4. – 10. April.
Vernissasje: Thursday 4. April at 19.00
Opening hours: All days from 11.00 – 23.00
Exiles (film screening at Entry Denied):
Place: Cinemateket USF
Times: ® Thur. 4.4 from 21.00 ® Sat. 6.4 and Sun. 7.4 from 12.00 ® Tue. 9.4 and Wed. 10.4 from 19.00.