Rory Knudtson at BEK.
Rory explains: “I am working on a joint-film venture between the United States and Norway that has been in development for many years now. My time at BEK in September 2014 allowed me to work on editing a promotional video for US investors while also conducting meetings in Bergen with producers and collaborators, scouting locations for several scenes (and collecting images to send to my team) that take place in Bergen, as well as accessing the BEK community and expertise. I also met a few new folks that I had not known while working at BEK this time (Roar and Birk) who have some overlaps in work that I do.
The facilities are a huge asset to the creative community, but even more, those of us coming in from the outside periodically that need a place to land where our tribe resides. The proximity to other artist’s studios in town as well as the academy (though I know this is changing) is priceless. I ran into several colleagues while editing and was able to get reconnected with the art making scene faster than average due to this.
I had not been back in Bergen to work since June of 2013. I am planning to be into Bergen two more times before the year is over in development of this project and will be into BEK again to keep this huge international project moving. I will be more permanently based in Bergen by January and I will continue to push this project forward in continuum with the BEK community where sound art is concerned most specifically.”
Rori Knudtson is an artist and architect working with installation, sound, video and performance questioning physical, psychological and social constructs of space.She received her BSVC from Ohio University, her M.Arch from the University of Colorado and her MFA in New Media from Transart Institute/Berlin.