
Moviestar Filmhuis Den Haag

Filmhuis Den Haag, Todays Art Festival, The Netherlands 25.09.2009 00.0026.10.2009 00.00


The visitor can see his or herself on a large screen as an actor in a movie surrounded by monsters, UFO´s and other surrealistic events, which they controll realtime themselves.

The installation forms a tribute to the young history of Special Effects, that through the years has evolved in high tempo. The first use of special effects suddenly opened up oppertunities for filmmakes with a low budget to realise their fantasies and create movies by putting together different filmed scenes, and blend animation with real actor recordings.
Like the brothers Sid & Marty Kroft, who started their filmstudio from their garage in the late 1970´s, where they used clay, wood and gardenutilities to create filmsets for their series “Land of the Lost”. In this series a family travels through a timewarp loophole and gets stuck in a strange world where history and future times meet. While getting chased by dinosaurs and haunted by aliens they try to find their way back to the world they came from while being in an enegmatic zone where time and location are unknown, they soon realise they can find their way back by discovering the meaning between past, present and future.

In “Moviestar” visitors get a look in front and behind the scenes in a strange world in which they play a role, and control events themselves. Using several old and new techniques to create this reality.

This installation will open at the 25th of september in Het Filmhuis Den Haag as part of Todays Art Festival for Audiovisual Art, The Hague, The Netherlands.
BEK is currently codevelloping the installation using MaxMsp, Jitter and the Jamoma Framework.

Filmhuis Den Haag
Moviestar Blog