01 TV-Reality on Public Screens in Bergen
The first event of the Reality Show, presents works by five Bergen-based artists from varous backgrounds. They fokus on the TV & video layer of reality – how electronic screens are part of our everyday life, as a perpetual social, political, economical, educational, cultural and artistic informative background, in both private and public space. Screen-based works (video, documentation, slide-show and digital projects) are displayed in several shop window locations in central Bergen for a limited period of time (night display and closed hours). An insertion of social and artistic realities into the advertising and commercial layer, creating a new visual dimension for city life.
Dan Mihaltianu is currently part of the group show Berliner Zimmer at the Paviljon Cvijeta Zuzoric in Belgrade.
A tour starts at Landmark on Saturday 28, at 16:00.
The project is supported by Bergen kommune.