Ellen Røed
Ellen J. Røed (b. 1970 in Asker) works with video art and has developed her practice through experiments with technology and live images. Her art is characterized by an interest in video as seen in material, social and cultural conditions, and studies of how images work performatively in various forms of networking. In her work, she has favored signals, systems, non-linearity, networks and presence over representation.
Røed graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim in 2001. Prior to this, she was part of the artist collectives Verdensteatret and Motherboard, which create projects where elements from theatre and visual art are mixed with music and electronic art. She developed a penchant for interdisciplinary forms, real-time and performative expressions, and has created video, audiovisual installations and performances in a wide range of different artistic contexts.
Røed has extensively collaborated with artists from the music field, such as Bjørnar Habbestad, Christian Blom, SPUNK, Lemur, BiT20, Victoria Johnson, Eduardo Miranda, Knut Vaage, and others. Røed worked at BEK, Bergen Centre for Electronic Art, from 2002-2004 and developed under the artist name nelle ink a number of projects based on real-time processing of video and various strategies for structuring audiovisual signals in time and space. She taught electronic art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen, where she was employed from 2004-2013, the last 3 years as a doctoral fellow in visual arts. She is now a professor at Stockholm University of the Arts, where she is responsible for the profile area Art, Technology and Materiality.
I BEK Arkiv:
Equalize all media!
Skyvelære #1
To Video