Listening to the Echoes of Bergen: Mapping the Soul of a City – en workshop med Yara Mekawei
BEK inviterer til en tredagers workshop med kunstner og forsker Yara Mekawei i Bergen. Gjennom å utforske filosofier om lytting, eksperimentere med forskjellige teknikker for feltopptak og fange essensen av forskjellige steder gjennom lyd, vil vi prøve å tegne et sonisk kart av byen.
Dato: 24.–26. oktober 2023, kl 10:00-15:00 hver dag
Deltakelse: Workshopen er gratis, med fysisk oppmøte. Den holdes på engelsk og ingen forkunnskaper kreves. Workshopen finner sted på BEK og forskjellige lokasjoner i Bergen. Sørg for å kle deg etter været.
Påmelding: Antall plasser er begrenset, så påmelding er nødvendig. For å melde deg på workshopen, send en e-post til innen 17. oktober.
Lytt til tidligere soniske kart laget av Yara Mekawei her.
Om «Listening to the Echoes of Bergen: Mapping the Soul of a City» av Yara Mekawei:
The Art and Philosophy of Listening: In the realm of sound, we often find ourselves mere listeners, passive recipients of the auditory world that surrounds us. Yet, within the act of listening lies a profound philosophy—one that invites us to transcend mere hearing and engage with our environment on a deeper level. This philosophy of listening takes on new dimensions when applied to the task of drawing a sonic map of a city, as we shall explore through the lens of Bergen, Norway.
The Philosophy of Listening: Listening, as philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy suggests, is not a one-way transaction but a relational act. It is an act of communion between self and world, an intimate dialogue that bridges the perceived gap between observer and observed. When we embrace this philosophy, we transcend the passive role of mere auditors and become active participants in the symphony of life.
Recording Sound as a Gateway to the City’s Soul: Our journey through Bergen begins with the realization that sound is not just a series of vibrations in the air, but a gateway to understanding the city’s essence. To draw a sonic map, we employ the art of recording—an act that involves not only capturing sound but preserving the spirit of place and time.
Bergen’s Architectural Diversity: Bergen, with its rich history and striking contrasts, provides an ideal canvas for our sonic exploration. We navigate through its architectural wonders, each a unique chapter in the city’s story. From the iconic wooden structures of Bryggen, whispering tales of the Hanseatic League, to the modernist concrete expanse of Sentralbadet, we encounter materials and designs that influence the acoustics of the city.
The Relationship of Sonics with Time and Location: Our recordings are not isolated echoes but vessels of history and harbingers of change. By connecting sound with its temporal and spatial context, we transcend the boundaries of the present moment. The resonance of footsteps on ancient cobblestones, the hum of street life in the fish market, and the whispering winds through Bergen’s narrow alleyways—all become part of our sonic tapestry, a representation of the city’s dynamic character.
The Philosophy of the Soundscape: The city is not a collection of disjointed sounds but a living, breathing soundscape—a symphony in which nature, culture, and architecture harmonize. The philosophy of the soundscape encourages us to perceive our environment as a collective composition, where every rustle, echo, and reverberation contributes to a larger narrative. Our task is to capture these intricate stories and emotions that interweave to create Bergen’s unique soundscape.
The Physics of Sound Recording: Recording sound is not a mere art but a science. Each material, be it stone, wood, or concrete, possesses its own resonant frequencies. Understanding the physics theories that govern sound recording allows us to decipher the unique sonic textures of architectural materials. In Bergen, this means decoding the language of its structures and capturing the essence of the city’s soul in each recording.
Drawing the Sonic Map of Bergen: As we traverse Bergen’s diverse landscapes, we embark on a sonic cartography journey—a quest to map not just the city’s physical contours but its very soul. In this journey, we do more than listen; we engage with the philosophical depths of auditory perception. We transform sound into a medium of storytelling, connecting it with time, location, and emotion.
The act of drawing a sonic map transcends the mundane and becomes a celebration of Bergen’s essence. It is a testament to the philosophy of listening, a testament to the interconnectedness of sound and place, and a testament to our capacity as active participants in the symphony of life. Bergen, with all its architectural diversity and sonic richness, reveals its true soul to those who dare to listen, to record, and to map its echoes.
Yara Mekawei
Yara Mekawei er en kunstner og akademiker som blander urban puls med arkitektonisk essens, og forvandler intrikate feltopptak til visuelle former. Mekawei trosser kunstneriske normer, og gjør lyd synlig gjennom synestetisk alkymi. Med røtter i arkitekturfilosofi, historieskriving om samfunn og filosofisk litteratur vever hun konseptuelle dimensjoner for et mangfoldig publikum. Mekaweis kunst trekker inspirasjon fra varierte sosialfilosofier, som gjenspeiler hennes kulturelle identitet i en nordøst-afrikansk kontekst. Arven hennes bygger bro over sanseopplevelser, som gir gjenklang med det menneskelige sanserommet, og overskrider grenser og epoker.
Workshopen er del av New Perspectives for Action – et prosjekt av Re-Imagine Europe, medfinansiert av EU.
Bilder: Yara Mekawei