The Whole Entire World is Colonised, Only We are Free – Haig Aivazian i samtale med Maria Rusinovskaya
Tid: 17. november, 21:15 CET
Sted: Østre, Østre Skostredet 3
Språk: Engelsk
Samtalen strømmes live på
Fear of night is an ancient phobia, but the urban histories of that fear give some insight into how it was employed in the service of security regimes along class, gender, race, and other lines since the beginning of the 19th century. The conversation will take place following a screening of Aivazian´s short video “All of Your Stars Are but Dust on My Shoes” (2021), which splices together a vast array of material to stream across varying instances of public administration of light and darkness as an essential policing tool, across global cities, but with the artist’s native Beirut setting the central pulse.
The conversation will build on Aivazian’s ongoing research into the genealogies and futures of technologies in the hands of variously configured legal regimes, and the kinds of subjects they make and unmake. During the conversation, we will track exchanges of tools, know how and information across colonial contexts old and current, between the US and Israeli defense and security forces. We will also discuss the increasing infiltration of warfare tactics into policing, from Baghdad to the West Bank to Los Angeles and beyond. By re-examining these connections, we will look at the kinds of ontologies generated by law as a technology in and of itself. In the current landscape of immanent technological imbalance between the colonizers and the colonized in Gaza, we will attempt to address sensitive questions such as who gets to be inventive, innovative or cutting edge and who doesn’t?
Haig Aivazian
Haig Aivazian er en kunstner bosatt i Beirut. Han arbeider på tvers av en rekke medier og adresser, og fordyper seg i måtene makt bygger inn, påvirker og beveger mennesker, objekter, dyr, landskap og arkitektur på. Mellom 2020-2022 var Aivazian kunstnerisk leder for Beirut Art Center, hvor han grunnla
Maria Rusinovskaya
Maria Rusinovskaya er en kurator og leder på BEK – Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst.
Klikk her for å gå tilbake til det detaljerte symposieprogrammet.
Bilde: Haig Aivazian.