Birk in residence at BEK and performing at Vossajazz
For three weeks in March, Birk has finished technicalities and approaches to his upcoming appearance on Vossajazz Friday 30. March, together Gunhild Seims “Story Water” a commisioned work inspired by texts about death and dreams.
Birks approach to the project has been to advance his take on how to present a musical performance, and not so much about “the endless” in the texts inspirering Gunhilds compositions. Through MAX/msp and tips collected from BEK expertise in this field, Birk has during his recidency at BEK programmed a central patch for use in what can best be described as a video/light-organ, where the band’s instruments triggers earmarked animations spinning around the aestetics of geometrical shapes. Presented trough the modul8/madmapper-platform Birk will try to catch the essence of the bands performance.
“Visual accompaniment” to music has been Birks project for some years now, and has worked with everything from classical composition to clubmusic. Lately known for work with the norwegian rapper Lars Vaular.
While staying in the project room, Birk has also been formalizing some future projects.