
OpenMusic for Linux : Beta-versjon

Download,Ircam Forum 2013, Paris 29.10.2013 09.0020.11.2013 09.00


Last ned OpenMusic for Linux
Ircam Forum Høst 2013

Utviklingen inngår i en større satsing på arbeid med OpenMusic ved BEK, som omfatter utvikling og bestillingsverk og en introduksjonsworkshop. Vi har fremdeles et par ledige plasser på denne workshopen!

OpenMusic 6.7, Audio Architecture, and LW-Linux Version
J. Bresson, D. Bouche, A. Vinjar

The principal addition in version 6.7 is the new modular Audio and MIDI architecture, allowing better integration with rendering engines. This new architecture has allowed at a first glance to extend the functionalities of the Audio Player in OpenMusic, offering more flexibility in audio output control. The new version also integrates the new OM-Faust library, allowing the creation and compilation of audio effects and synthesizers using the FAUST programming language as dynamic, on-the-fly modules loaded on different audio channels, that can be controlled interactively or automated.

OM 6.7 has also been ported to LispWorks Linux in a collaboration with the BEK center. The Linux version also uses this new architecture to interface varied open source systems for MIDI and audio rendering.