
Finnisage – If on a winter’s night, a room

Vetrlidsallmenningen 27a,Vetrlidsallmenningen 27a 10.01.2015 00.0017.01.2015 00.00


If on a winter’s night, a room er en offentlig videovisning, holdt over syv netter – midt på vinteren. Videovisningen består av en serie på syv korte og tause videoverk av syv unge norske og internasjonale kunstnere – en video per natt.

Åpning; 10 Jan. @ 20:00 While the subject matter ranges from natural phenomena to fictionalised objects to performative video, the works share a certain slowness and subtlety that requires a patient contemplative approach.

The works function as luminous backgrounds, with a slow and creeping build-up. They are subtly surreal, which engenders a shift in how one observes the real surrounding and the depicted space of the video. The eeriness and lightness of the video works encourage a folding back upon ourselves, and a folding back upon our own way of ‘looking’, offering conditions for interiorising subjective spaces into a ‘room of one’s own’.

10 Jan. Opening Night @ 20:00
All videos will be screened

11-17 Jan. @18:00

11 Jan. Icaro Zorbar (CO)
The Eve | 3:13 (loop)

12 Jan. Nora Joung (NO)
Ildebrann | 3:21 (loop)

13 Jan. Robyn Nesbitt (ZA)
A Viewing of the Moon | 4:00 (loop) |
live reading at 20:00

14 Jan. Finn Adrian Jorkjen (NO)
Lovesong | 3:45 (loop)

15 Jan. Sif Lina Ankergård (DK)
Even When | 2:30 (loop)

16 Jan. Kay Arne Kirkebø (NO)
Line Rhythm Verse 2 | 3:00 (loop)

17 Jan. Håkon Holm-Olsen (NO)
Åsted (Site) | 0:50 (loop)

18 Jan. Finnisage
alle sju verkene | 17:00
Lesning 18:00

The program has generously been supported by NBK and BEK.