
Sound in space: Lecture and workshop at NTNU

Musikkteknologi, Institutt for musikk, NTNU,Musikkteknologi, Institutt for musikk, NTNU 24.02.2010 09.1525.02.2010 17.00


Trond Lossius will be guest teacher at the Music technology study at NTNU for a two day lecture and workshop on spatialisation.

For the lecture Wednesday he will present documentation of a number of sound installations, and use them as a point of departure for discussion of his own experience with practical, artistic and acoustic problems related to the use of spatialisation for sound installations.

The 4 hour workshop Thursday (delivered twice) will be a practical hands-on demonstration of a number of techniques for spatialisation, such as vector-based amplitude panning (VBAP), distance-based amplitude panning (DBAP), first and higher order ambisonics, ambisonic equivalent panning and ViMiC – Virtual Michrophone Control. The demonstration will use Jamoma in order to provide a unified interface for the different rendering techniques.