Fundraiser for Lebanon

Bergen Kjøtt 06.10.2024 14.0006.10.2024 18.00


Place: Bergen Kjøtt, Skutevikstorget 1, Bergen
Time: Sunday 6 October, 2pm–6pm

As devastating Israeli attacks on Lebanon increase, tens of thousands of people are forced to flee their homes and seek shelter in Beirut and areas around. Our colleagues and friends in Beirut Synthesizer Center and Tunefork Studios in Beirut have turned their facilities into crisis centres collecting and distributing emergency aid and collaborating with schools turning into shelters for people evacuating from southern Lebanon. 

They urgently need funds to buy basic necessities for families in need: food, mattresses, blankets, medicine, hygiene items etc.

We organise this event to gather donations for the vital work these organizations are doing right now on the ground. During the event, we invite you to listen to sound pieces and music by exceptional artists from the community around Beirut Synthesizer Center and Tunefork Studios. We will also serve food for a price guests can choose themselves, and sell Lebanese Heya wine. All donations and profits will go uncut to Beirut Synthesizer Center.

If you can contribute, you can Vipps BEK directly during, before or after the event. Vipps BEK at #87779, mark the payment “Beirut Synth Center”.

This event is organised by BEK – Bergen senter for electronisk kunst, Comrades Inc. and Bergen Kjøtt. The listening sessions are curated by Beirut Synthesizer Center and Tunefork Studios.