Artist talk: Cléo Palacio-Quintin
Constantly seeking new means of expression and eager to create, the flutist-improviser-composer Cléo Palacio-Quintin takes part in many premieres as well as improvisational multidisciplinary performances, and composes instrumental and electroacoustic music for various ensembles and media works.
Since 1999, she extended these explorations into the development of a new instrument: the hyper-flute. Interfaced to a computer and software by means of electronic sensors, the enhanced flute enables her to compose novel electroacoustic soundscapes. She is now pursuing doctoral studies in Montreal to compose new works for the hyper-flute and develops her new hyper-bass-flute.
Cléo Palacio-Quintin er doktorgradsstudent i komposisjon knyttet til Université de Montréal og Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), Input Devices and Musical Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL) – Schulich School of Music, McGill University
Foto: Carl Valique.