
Film- og videoproduksjoner av Esayas Henok

BEK 04.05.2018 11.05.2018


I løpet av våren har Esayas Henok vært i BEKs videostudio og redigert tre film- og videoprosjekter. Ekaka, en filmserie for og med barn, kan ses på Bergen Internasjonale Kultursenter 10. mai.

Ekaka is a short film series for children, directed by Henok and acted by children. The first part of Ekaka is to be screened on May 10th on the occasion of Bemehal, a project Henok is organising at Bergen Internasjonale Kultursenter. Bemehal is a project focusing on the activity of children and parents. The aim is to promote understanding of the life of migrant children in Norway, in particular children from the Ethiopian and Eritrean community, by creating a social venue for development of art and culture, recognition and evolvement of own cultural origin.

Why a documentary of me (2018-2019), work on progress
The project is a collaboration with the Ethiopian artist Mekdes W. Shebeta, and is a dialog based, abstract documentary film, incorporating biographical material. The documentary is focusing on how girls from a young age manage to survive poverty and how abusive sexual practices have become a normalised, albeit secretive, aspect of survival. The project will be centered around the girls’ stories of sexual relations and abuse, ass well as discuss broader cultural and gender issues, and the
development and decay of modern feminism.

The Eye in two world (2017-2019)
A series of documentary interview clips, diverging from Ethiopian songs