Torn Tracks to Vestlandsutstillingen 2019
Jiska Huizing has been invited with her project Torn Tracks to make site specific works for each of the 6 exhibition places in Vestlandsutstillingen 2019, We are the places. The first piece, Torn Tracks #14 – Ålesund (3-7 October 2018), will be presented at the opening at Kunstmuseet KUBE in Ålesund Friday February 8th, where Huzing also will do a performance based on the work. BEK and Espen Sommer Eide is partaking in the development of Torn Tracks; a digital platform that offers various ways of searching and organizing the collection of tracks and sounds that form the basis of the project.
For each work she has made for Vestlandsutstillingen 2019, Huizing has been visiting the 6 places Ålesund, Haugesund, Øystese, Stavanger, Førde og Bergen. During hikes in the cities and in the surroundings she has been recordeding sounds, as well as taken photographs and written texts every day, to build up an archive that she afterwords could use to make the work. The first piece, Torn Tracks #14 – Ålesund (3-7 October 2018), is based on the collection she made in Ålesund in October last year, in a time of the year with lots of rain and clouds floating by, some times looking like mountains disintegrates. These impressions are also reflected in the work.
Vestlandsutstillingen 2019, We are the places, is an annual touring exhibition, showing works by artists with a connection to the West Coast of Norway. The artists has been born there, have lived there, or in some other way have a strong relationship that gives them a sense of connection to the place. The group exhibition will tour Western Norway, following its traditional format. Additionally, seven artists have been invited to produce site-specific works that will be on view only in the locations for which they were created. The exhibition also includes a publication that serves as an expanded viewing space for six of the participating artists and which includes an in-depth essay in which art is woven into a contemporary analysis of Western Norway as both concept and place. Curator and writer for Vestlandsutstillingen 2019 is Marte Danielsen Jølbo from Stavanger.
Vestlandsutstillingen 2019 tour
– Jugendstilsenteret and Kunstmuseet KUBE, Ålesund: 8. February – 10. March
– Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund: 22. March – 21. April
– Kunsthuset Kabuso, Øystese: 4. May – 2. June
– Kunsthall Stavanger, Stavanger: 14. June – 11. August
– Sunnfjord Kunstlag, Førde: 31. August – 29. September
– Kunstgarasjen, Bergen: 10. October – 3. November
Read more about Torn Tracks here.
Jiska Huizing’s website here.
Vestlandsutstillingen 2019 here.