Audrey Hurd at BEK for B-open
On Saturday 25 September from 12 to 17, join us at BEK to experience fragments of a work in progress: “Empty is also Full” by Audrey Hurd, our artist in studio residency. The event is part of B-open 2021.
“I’m curious about vases, these little void holders. They are all surface, but also all space. And each space vibrates with its own resonant frequency. Every confined area sings the song of their walls.Vases, as decorative and functional objects, are structures which hold space until they are needed. They are built around the anticipation of carrying. They shape the thing they hold and are shaped to hold the thing they carry.
This summer, in an attempt to reconnect with the process of making after a long period of illness, I began making clay coil pots. Now, as part of the BEK Studio Residency, I am recording the hollow tone of the inside of each vessel to create an audio installation. I will be presenting parts of this work in progress about the time I cradled nothing in my hands.” – Audrey Hurd
About the artist:
Audrey Hurd (Canada) completed her Masters in Fine Art in Bergen in 2019. She has a background in printmaking, ceramics but currently works more with drawing, sound and sculpture. Her work focuses on touch as a means of understanding. In 2017 she began ‘The Bedroom Residency’ which has hosted nine artists, inviting them to prioritise rest over productivity. She has co-produced workshops, events and publications as part of TEXSTgroup between 2016 and 2019.